
What is the key to the growing environment of organic tea?

Good mountains and good water to raise good tea, the growing environment of organic tea is very superior.

1. Climatic conditions: Yunnan has a subtropical climate, with hot and humid summers, cold and dry winters, and an average annual temperature between 15-22 degrees Celsius. This climatic condition is very favourable to the growth of large-leaved tea trees.

2. Altitude: Most of the tea plantations in Yunnan are located in the mountainous areas at an altitude of 1000-2500 metres above sea level, and some of them even reach 3000 metres above sea level. The high altitude has favourable temperature, sufficient rainfall and moderate sunshine hours, all of which help the growth of tea trees.

3. Soil conditions: Yunnan's topography is diverse, with different soil types, but most of the tea plantation areas have more acidic, well-drained soil, rich in organic matter and minerals, which is suitable for the growth of tea trees.

4. Rainfall: Yunnan's rainfall is relatively abundant, with many tea plantation areas receiving more than 1,000mm of rainfall annually, providing ample water for tea trees.

5. Ecological environment: Yunnan is located in the transition zone between southern subtropical and southeastern subtropical, with rich species resources and ecological environment. This provides good natural conditions for the growth of tea trees.

Vigorously promote organic tea without pesticide and chemical fertiliser residues, to raise awareness of health, try to avoid or reduce the hazards of a variety of additives to our lives and health, this is our new tea people's mission, but also the needs of our consumers.