
Why is Spring Tea so well regarded by many tea lovers?

In the spring tea, it can be divided into the first spring tea, first picking tea, Mingqian tea, rainy tea.
Mingqian tea, rainy tea, respectively, refers to the tea picked before the Qingming and Guyu.
Tea trees after the autumn and winter recuperation, coupled with the spring temperature moderate, abundant rainfall, conducive to the synthesis of nutrients in the tea tree.
Therefore, spring tea is richer in amino acids, aroma, vitamins and other nutrients!
The content of anthocyanin and chlorophyll in summer and autumn tea is higher than that of spring tea, and these quality components will affect the quality of tea to some extent.
Green tea's spring tea has a high amino acid content, while the tea polyphenol content is low and the phenol-ammonia ratio is the lowest. Therefore, the taste is very good, the flavour is relatively fresh, and the quality is better than that of summer and autumn tea.
In addition, the incidence of pests and diseases is low in spring, and pesticide spraying is generally not necessary. Therefore, spring tea is also healthier to drink.
Spring tea leaves are generally wrapped more tightly, fat and thick, some more hairs, tender colour, aroma is also more strong rhyme, fresh. Summer and autumn tea is loose leaves, dark colour, aroma is more calm. Wet look is the tea leaves after brewing, through the smell of aroma, view the colour of the soup, taste, look at the bottom of the leaf to distinguish.